A Little Slice of Honeycomb

My name is Charity (C). I am married to an amazing woman, Deanna (D).

This is a place for me to explore my own thoughts on life. It will dwell mostly on the themes of family, friends, faith, creation, and goodness. Creativity in all of her forms.

I will, as you see, abandon grammar at times, mostly for effect, though I am sure mistakes will happen from time to time.

There will be weekly posts, and I plan to use prose, poetry, and even media (maybe even some home recordings of my own songs or covers) at times.

Life is not perfect. It is messy and sometimes stings, but life is also sweet. My endeavor will be to focus on the sweet things in life, even in the bittersweet or bitter moments.

I want to write about the love we share, our lives as a Christ-following lesbian hippie family in the South, our gardens, our relationships with our family and friends, faith – even when there are questions. Our children and our journey to have them, hold them, love them.

I want to write about our adventures in homesteading, including raising animals, and my own journey in becoming a beekeeper, like both of my grandfathers before me.

I hope this space for writing adds beauty and peace to the world. One word captures most what I hope this entire creative endeavor accomplishes:


Photograph taken on our wedding day, by Victoria Livingston: http://www.victorialivingstonphotography.com/

6 thoughts on “A Little Slice of Honeycomb

  1. In appreciation of the fine work and inspiration of your blog, I nominate you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Mo was kind enough to nominate me. Her blog is a delightful walk through life. Try it! http://thecrazycrone.com

    Follow this link for a list of my other nominees, and for a template to use in nominating others: http://spiritualitywithoutborders.wordpress.com/my-nominees-for-sisterhood-of-the-world-bloggers-award/

  2. I look forward to hearing of life and love with soil and wind as homesteading brings forth voice and stories. Thanks to Audrey for making this connection!

  3. “I want to write about the love we share, our lives as a Christ-following lesbian hippie family in the South, our gardens, our relationships with our family and friends, faith – even when there are questions. Our children and our journey to have them, hold them, love them.”

    Brilliant! I love this.

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